1. An Analysis of the Behavior of a Composite Steel-concrete Beam Open Access Author: Leaf, David Christopher Title: An Analysis of the Behavior of a Composite Steel-concrete Beam Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: EngineeringCivilStructuralCompositeBeamSAP2000SteelConcreteSlabAISC File: Download David_Leaf_SHC_Thesis_Final_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jeffrey A Laman, Thesis SupervisorPatrick Reed, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. THE IMPACT OF 2018 STEEL AND ALUMINUM TARIFFS ON THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY Open Access Author: Davey, Hunter Title: THE IMPACT OF 2018 STEEL AND ALUMINUM TARIFFS ON THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: Automotive IndustryTariffsSteelAluminum File: Download H.DAVEY_THESIS_SUBMISSION.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorDr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Modeling the Profitability and Environmental Impact of Alloy Scrap Sorting & Specialized Scrap Melting Open Access Author: Annear, Chris Title: Modeling the Profitability and Environmental Impact of Alloy Scrap Sorting & Specialized Scrap Melting Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: SteelSupply ChainSustainabilitylinear programmingEngineering Economicsrecyclingscrap steel remeltingalloy steelalloy steel recycling File: Download Modeling_the_Profitability_and_Environmental_Impact_of_Alloy_Scrap_Sorting___Specialized_Scrap_Melting.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul Carl Lynch, Thesis SupervisorPaul Carl Lynch, Thesis Honors AdvisorOmar Ashour, Faculty Reader