1. The History and Origin of Stigma in Workers' Compensation and The Significance of Return to Work Programs Open Access Author: Losh, Erin Elizabeth Title: The History and Origin of Stigma in Workers' Compensation and The Significance of Return to Work Programs Area of Honors: Rehabilitation and Human Services Keywords: Workers' CompensationStigmaReturn to Work ProgramsWorkplace Injury Prevention File: Download losh_erin_thehistoryandoriginofstigmainworkerscompensationandthesignificanceofreturntoworkprograms.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Wendy Ann Coduti, Thesis SupervisorDr. Deirdre Elizabeth Mary O'sullivan, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Pros and Cons of Perceived HIV-Related Stigma in Younger and Older Adolescents in Botswana Open Access Author: Grullon-Perez, Karina Title: The Pros and Cons of Perceived HIV-Related Stigma in Younger and Older Adolescents in Botswana Area of Honors: Science Keywords: HIVHIV-related stigmaStigmaAdolescentsTreatment outcomesAnticipated stigmaExperienced stigmaInternalized stigma File: Download GrullonPerez_Karina_Honors_Thesis2019.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Joshua George Rosenberger, Thesis SupervisorDr. Ronald Albert Markle, Thesis Honors AdvisorKari Christine Kugler, Faculty Reader
3. Linguistic Predictors of Weight-related Experiences in a Sample of Overweight and Obese Individuals Open Access Author: Barton, Jillian Elizabeth Title: Linguistic Predictors of Weight-related Experiences in a Sample of Overweight and Obese Individuals Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: LanguageLinguistic PredictorsWeightBMIExperiencesWeight DiscriminationWeight StigmaStigmaDiscriminationPerceived DiscriminationHealthLinguistic AnalysisWord useNarrativesBodyWeight VigilanceVigilanceObesity Stigma File: Download Barton_Jillian_Linguistic_Predictors_of_Weight-related_Experiences_in_a_Sample_of_Overweight_and_Obese_Individuals.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joshua Morrison Smyth, Thesis SupervisorHelen Marie Kamens, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Examining the Role of Perceptions in the Appraisal of Mental Health, Self-Stigma, Resource Availability, and Work Environment Among Healthcare Providers at Different Career Stages in the Emergency Department Open Access Author: Harris, Charlotte Title: Examining the Role of Perceptions in the Appraisal of Mental Health, Self-Stigma, Resource Availability, and Work Environment Among Healthcare Providers at Different Career Stages in the Emergency Department Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: Mental healthStigmaEmergency DepartmentHealthcare ProviderPhysicianMixed-methodsResource Availability File: Download CharlotteHarris_finalthesis_04.16.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Thomas J Gould, Thesis SupervisorHelen Marie Kamens, Thesis Honors AdvisorJoshua Morrison Smyth, Thesis Supervisor