1. Supplier Selection under Product Breakdown Structure Constraints Open Access Author: Lawit, Aitan Salamon Title: Supplier Selection under Product Breakdown Structure Constraints Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Supplier SelectionProduct Breakdown StructureNon-preemptive Goal Programming File: Download HonorsThesis_AitanLawit.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Soundar Rajan Tirupatikumara, Thesis SupervisorDr. Paul M Griffin, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Sustainable Development: A Study of SMEs and MNCs within the Manufacturing Sector in Erie, Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Tushok, Madeline Jane Title: Sustainable Development: A Study of SMEs and MNCs within the Manufacturing Sector in Erie, Pennsylvania Area of Honors: Management Keywords: Sustainable DevelopmentMNCSMETriple Bottom Line FrameworkManufacturingSupplier SelectionSurvey File: Download FinalThesis_MJT.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Ozgun Caliskan Demirag, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Edward Brown, Thesis Honors Advisor