1. Trans Men and Masculinity Threat Open Access Author: Shulbank-smith, Sarah Title: Trans Men and Masculinity Threat Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: TransgenderMasculinity Threat File: Download Thesis_In_Template_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephanie A Shields, Thesis SupervisorDr. Susan Mohammed, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Assessment of Transgender Inclusivity in Pennsylvania Healthcare Facilities Open Access Author: Nair, Jacob Dawson Title: The Assessment of Transgender Inclusivity in Pennsylvania Healthcare Facilities Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: TransgenderLGBTHealthcareHealth disparitieshospitalsPennsylvaniagender identityLGBTQ+ File: Download Nair_Jacob_TransInclusivityPAHealthcare.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Joshua George Rosenberger, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Gender is Fluid; Gender is a Palpable Fluid Open Access Author: Kara, Necla Title: Gender is Fluid; Gender is a Palpable Fluid Area of Honors: Spanish Keywords: TransgenderSexileIntersexFeminismXXYLucia PuenzoJaimie CortezAdela VasquezAuthoethnographyQueer TheorySpanish Literature File: Download Gender_is_Fluid__Gender_is_a_Palpable_Fluid.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Judith Sierra-Rivera, Thesis SupervisorJohn Lipski, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Hegemonic Masculinity and Radical Feminism: How Gendered Ideologies Are Associated with Transphobia Open Access Author: French, Raymond Title: Hegemonic Masculinity and Radical Feminism: How Gendered Ideologies Are Associated with Transphobia Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Hegemonic MasculinityRadical FeminismTransphobiaAnti-trans AttitudesSocial AttitudesTransgenderGender Identity File: Download French_Raymond_HegemonicMasculinityAndRadicalFeminism.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theresa K Vescio, Thesis SupervisorJeff M Love, Thesis Honors Advisor