1. Viewing Trama: The Role Film Played in the Audience Healing their Trauma during the Great Depression and Vietnam War Open Access Author: Graham, Elizabeth Linley Title: Viewing Trama: The Role Film Played in the Audience Healing their Trauma during the Great Depression and Vietnam War Area of Honors: Media Studies Keywords: Great DepressionVietnam WarFilmHistorical TraumaComparingTrauma File: Download Elizabeth_Graham_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kevin J Hagopian, Thesis SupervisorMichelle Lyn Rodino Colocino, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Utility of Appraisals During Peri-Trauma as a Predictor of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms Following Pediatric Injury Open Access Author: Kovalsky, Danielle Marie Title: Utility of Appraisals During Peri-Trauma as a Predictor of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms Following Pediatric Injury Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: PTSDTraumaInjuryPediatricsAppraisals File: Download Kovalsky_Danielle_UTILITYOFAPPRIASALSDURINGPERI-TRAUMAASAPREDICTOROFPOST-TRAUMATICSTRESSSYMPTOMSFOLLOWINGPEDIATRICINJURY.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Elise Graham Engeland, Thesis SupervisorDavid John Vandenbergh, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Epigenetic Modifications Worsen Child Abuse Outcome in Abuse-Related Trauma Open Access Author: Cesaire, Melissa Title: Epigenetic Modifications Worsen Child Abuse Outcome in Abuse-Related Trauma Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: EpigeneticAdverse Childhood ExperiencesTraumaabuse File: Download Thesis_Melissa_Cesaire_Shreyer_Honors_College.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sairam V Rudrabhatla, Thesis Honors AdvisorNik Tsotakos, Thesis SupervisorBrenna R. Hill, Faculty Reader
4. Engaged Buddhism: A Buddhist Approach to Personal and Social Transformation Open Access Author: Falcone, Raymond Title: Engaged Buddhism: A Buddhist Approach to Personal and Social Transformation Area of Honors: Religious Studies Keywords: BuddhismEngaged BuddhismPersonal TransformationSocial TransformationVietnamFour Noble TruthsMeditationMindfulness of the BodyMindfulness of EmotionsShamathaLoving Kindness meditationTraumaVajrayana BuddhismZen/Chan BuddhismSiddhartha Gautama File: Download Thesis_Paper_Final_Draft_RSF.pdf Thesis Supervisors: On-Cho Ng, Thesis SupervisorDaniel Keith Falk, Thesis Honors Advisor