1. Democratization and Women's Rights in Post-Soviet Nations Open Access Author: Hamsher, Teressa Diana Title: Democratization and Women's Rights in Post-Soviet Nations Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: women's rightinternational politicsUSSRSovietdemocratizationdemocracy File: Download Teressa_Hamsher_Final_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Gretchen G Casper, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Making of a Stalinist Mythos: Politics, Bureaucracy, and Nation-Building in Soviet Historiography, 1939-1953 Open Access Author: Hizgilov, Daniel Rafael Title: The Making of a Stalinist Mythos: Politics, Bureaucracy, and Nation-Building in Soviet Historiography, 1939-1953 Area of Honors: History Keywords: historiansStalinMythosUSSRHistoriographyRussia File: Download Hizgilov_Daniel_StalinistMythos.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Tobias Heinrich Albert Brinkmann, Thesis SupervisorDr. Cathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The Rise, Fall, and Renaissance of Shostakovich's Third Ballet: Reconciling "The Bright Stream" with Post-Soviet Culture Open Access Author: Pugh, Erika E Title: The Rise, Fall, and Renaissance of Shostakovich's Third Ballet: Reconciling "The Bright Stream" with Post-Soviet Culture Area of Honors: Russian Keywords: BalletPropogandaShostakovichLopukhovPiotrovskyPutinIdeologyCultural IdentityCensorshipSocialist RealismSoviet UnionUSSRRussiaRussian FederationStalinRatmansky File: Download Erika_Pugh_Thesis_v_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Adrian Johannes Wanner, Thesis SupervisorIrina Mikaelian, Thesis Honors Advisor