1. The effects of virtual reality immersion on level of subject interest: Comparing desktop and head-mounted display conditions Open Access Author: Kutz, Nathan F Title: The effects of virtual reality immersion on level of subject interest: Comparing desktop and head-mounted display conditions Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Virtual RealityimmersionHead-Mounted Display File: Download Nathan_Kutz_THE_EFFECTS_OF_VIRTUAL_REALITY_IMMERSION_ON_INTEREST_LEVEL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rick R Jacobs, Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Individualized Customization for Next Generation Virtual Learning Environments Open Access Author: Dickens, Bryan R Title: Individualized Customization for Next Generation Virtual Learning Environments Area of Honors: Computer Engineering Keywords: Virtual RealityEducation TechnologySentiment AnalysisData-MiningOculus RiftImmersive Learning File: Download Dickens_Bryan_individualizedcustomizationfornextgenerationvirtuallearningenvironments.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Conrad S Tucker, Thesis SupervisorLee David Coraor, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Experiential Immersion, Formed by Senses not Site Open Access Author: Martin, Kyrie Elyssa Title: Experiential Immersion, Formed by Senses not Site Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: Virtual RealityImmersionPreservationArchitecture File: Download Kyrie_Martin_-_Schreyer_FINAL_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Juan Antonio Ruescas, Thesis SupervisorScott W Wing, Thesis Honors AdvisorBrian A Curran, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. HOW TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS IMPACT ENGINEERING DESIGN LEARNING: A CASE STUDY IN PRODUCT DISSECTION Open Access Author: Spencer, Cailyn E Title: HOW TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS IMPACT ENGINEERING DESIGN LEARNING: A CASE STUDY IN PRODUCT DISSECTION Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: TechnologyEducationLearningVirtual RealityCAD/Features File: Download SpencerCailynThesis2017_2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Scarlett Rae Miller, Thesis SupervisorDr. Catherine Mary Harmonosky, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. UNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: A CONSTRUCTION CASE STUDY Open Access Author: Donatelli, Lauren Title: UNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: A CONSTRUCTION CASE STUDY Area of Honors: Architectural Engineering Keywords: Virtual RealityPrefabricationPhasingTemporary RelocationValue EngineeringValue ManagementPortfolio Management File: Download Honors_Thesis_Donatelli.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Michael Leicht, Thesis SupervisorDr. Linda Morley Hanagan, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Using Virtual Reality Headsets to Study the Effect of Context on Consumer Perception Open Access Author: Ginn, Jacob Title: Using Virtual Reality Headsets to Study the Effect of Context on Consumer Perception Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: Virtual RealityConsumer PreferenceTeaGreen TeaSensory ScienceANCOVAVRLikingHealthHealth ConsciousnessEthnographyGrocery StoreContextContext Effect File: Download Jacob_Ginn_Thesis_Final_Submission_Revised.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Helene Hopfer, Thesis SupervisorJohn Hayes, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Synergy in Fly Gaze Stabilization Revealed by Closed-Loop Virtual Reality Open Access Author: Frisbie, John Crawford Title: Synergy in Fly Gaze Stabilization Revealed by Closed-Loop Virtual Reality Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Fruit FlySynergyGaze StabilizationClosed-LoopVirtual RealityDrosophila File: Download JohnFrisbie_SHC_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jean-Michel Mongeau, Thesis SupervisorAnne Elizabeth Martin, Thesis Honors Advisor