1. Hashtag Accountability: How Social Media can Influence African governments Open Access Author: Ibuaka, Danielle Title: Hashtag Accountability: How Social Media can Influence African governments Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: social mediaafrican governmentsaccountabilityresponsivenesstwitter platformblue for sudansay no to xenophobiasudansouth africanigeriasay no to social media bill File: Download Final_thesis_April_2020.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Elizabeth Claire Carlson, Thesis SupervisorMichael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. CRIME OF AGGRESSION & RELEVANCE IN THE 21ST CENTURY IN CONFLICT OF KASHMIR Open Access Author: Ponnala, Srishti Title: CRIME OF AGGRESSION & RELEVANCE IN THE 21ST CENTURY IN CONFLICT OF KASHMIR Area of Honors: Global and International Studies Keywords: international lawhuman rightsaggressionsovereigntyICCindiapakistankashmirrome statuteUnited NationsSecurity Counciljusticeinternational human rightscrime of aggressionArticle 8 bisconflictresolutionlegallawinternational justicestatesnationsglobal and international studiespolitical integrityautonomyuse of forceaccountability File: Download final_schreyer_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Howard Smith, Thesis SupervisorJonathan Eran Abel, Thesis Honors Advisor