1. EXPLORING POTENTIAL SOIL PHOSPHORUS MOVEMENT IN FOUR ORGANIC AGRICULTURE FORAGE SYSTEMS Open Access Author: Seiler, Lauren Katherine Title: EXPLORING POTENTIAL SOIL PHOSPHORUS MOVEMENT IN FOUR ORGANIC AGRICULTURE FORAGE SYSTEMS Area of Honors: Environmental Resource Management Keywords: phosphorusrunofforganicsoilagriculture File: Download THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jason Philip Kaye, Thesis SupervisorJason Philip Kaye, Thesis SupervisorRobert David Shannon, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. SUSTAINING RESILIENCE IN THE RURAL LANDSCAPE: A CASE STUDY IN COMMUNITY DESIGN Open Access Author: Parker, Sarah Rose Title: SUSTAINING RESILIENCE IN THE RURAL LANDSCAPE: A CASE STUDY IN COMMUNITY DESIGN Area of Honors: Landscape Architecture Keywords: agricultureoregoncase studyrurallandscape architecturesustainabilitycommunity design File: Download SarahParker_HonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Larry James Gorenflo, Thesis SupervisorLarry James Gorenflo, Thesis SupervisorStuart Patton Echols, Thesis Honors AdvisorKelleann Foster, Faculty Reader
3. Vegetable Crop and Livestock Farming in Downeast Maine: King Hill Farm, A Case Study Open Access Author: Carlin, Neal Christian Title: Vegetable Crop and Livestock Farming in Downeast Maine: King Hill Farm, A Case Study Area of Honors: Agroecology Keywords: agriculturesustainable agriculturefarmingvegetable productionlivestock productiondiversified agriculturecase study File: Download carlin_neal_kinghillfarmacasestudy.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Heather D Karsten, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Craig Saunders, Faculty ReaderDr. Heather D Karsten, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. My Bloodtype is Arabica: An Examination into Why and How We Drink Coffee Open Access Author: Eissler, Sarah Elizabeth Title: My Bloodtype is Arabica: An Examination into Why and How We Drink Coffee Area of Honors: English Keywords: coffeeespressoagricultureinternational cultures File: Download Final_Copy1.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors AdvisorMark A Brennan Jr., Thesis Supervisor
5. History of Organic Farming in California and Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Roberts, Natalie Elisabeth Title: History of Organic Farming in California and Pennsylvania Area of Honors: History Keywords: organicfarmingagriculturePennsylvaniaCalifornia File: Download Roberts_Natalie_historyoforganicfarming.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bryan Lee Mcdonald, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael James Milligan, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. GreenTowers, LLC - Lessons Learned in the Creation of an Urban Agriculture Student Startup Company Open Access Author: Betz, Dustin David Title: GreenTowers, LLC - Lessons Learned in the Creation of an Urban Agriculture Student Startup Company Area of Honors: Horticulture Keywords: aquaponicsurbanagriculturestartupLLCverticalfarmingentrepreneurshiporganicfoodhydroponicsaquaculture File: Download Betz_Dustin_GreenTowersLLCUrbanAgricultureStudentStartup.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kathleen Marie Kelley, Thesis SupervisorElizabeth Cunningham Kisenwether, Thesis Honors AdvisorElsa Selina Sanchez, Faculty ReaderKathleen Marie Kelley, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Linear Response Policy for Sequential Sourcing with Correlated Yields. Open Access Author: Dehart, Abraham Faith Title: Linear Response Policy for Sequential Sourcing with Correlated Yields. Area of Honors: Agricultural Systems Management Keywords: SimulationSequential Productionagricultureagribusinessdual period production File: Download DeHart_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Saurabh Bansal, Thesis SupervisorJude Liu, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods: Climate Change at the Interface of Parks and People Open Access Author: Schumacher, Britta Lee Title: Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods: Climate Change at the Interface of Parks and People Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: climate changelivelihood sustainabilityfood securityfood sovereigntyTanzaniaagricultureconservation File: Download SchumacherBritta_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Larry James Gorenflo, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Evaluating the agronomic potential and nutrient production efficiency of pulse crop production in Central Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Rimol, Kaitlyn Mary Title: Evaluating the agronomic potential and nutrient production efficiency of pulse crop production in Central Pennsylvania Area of Honors: Agroecology Keywords: agriculturelegumelentilbeanpeanutrient productionglobal foodfood security File: Download Final_Thesis_Report.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark Austin Dempsey, Thesis SupervisorDr. Heather D Karsten, Thesis Honors AdvisorWilliam Curran, Faculty Reader
10. LEVERAGING SUPPLY CHAIN IDEOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS TO REDUCE FARM-TO-TABLE FOOD WASTE IN THE UNITED STATES Open Access Author: Burlingame, Karen Lisa Title: LEVERAGING SUPPLY CHAIN IDEOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS TO REDUCE FARM-TO-TABLE FOOD WASTE IN THE UNITED STATES Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: foodsupply chainwastesustainabilitylandfillfarm-to-tableconsumeragriculturedistributionprocessinggroceryfood wasteunsustainabletransportation File: Download Schreyer_Thesis__Karen_Burlingame__Spring_2017.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorDr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor