1. Student Organizations as Agents of Cultural Change: An Examination of Penn State Student Organizations' Limiting Effect on Binge Drinking Open Access Author: Kirby, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Title: Student Organizations as Agents of Cultural Change: An Examination of Penn State Student Organizations' Limiting Effect on Binge Drinking Area of Honors: Management Keywords: Penn Statealcohol consumptionbinge drinkingstudent organzationsprevention effortsenvironemental management strategiessocial capital File: Download Kirby_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Forrest Scott Briscoe, Thesis SupervisorForrest Scott Briscoe, Thesis SupervisorCharles C Snow, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The relationship between gender, moral intuition, and party behaviors among college students Open Access Author: Divver, Brittany Title: The relationship between gender, moral intuition, and party behaviors among college students Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: Moral FoundationsMoralsSelf-controldrugsalcoholhookup culturesexsexesgendermoral intuitionsdrug usealcohol consumptionhookup frequencydeviantdeviant behaviors File: Download Brittany_Divver_s_Thesis_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric Silver, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor