1. Development of Magnesium EBPVD Magnesium Anode Material for use in a 'Green' Battery Open Access Author: Gresh, Robert William Title: Development of Magnesium EBPVD Magnesium Anode Material for use in a 'Green' Battery Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: batteryelectron beamphysical vapor depositionmagnesiumthin filmscorrosionelectrochemicalstructureanode File: Download Gresh_Robert_DevelopmentOfEBPVDMagnesium.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark William Horn, Thesis SupervisorBarbara A. Shaw, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader
2. Development, Characterization, and Testing of Anode Components for a Biodegradable Seawater Battery Open Access Author: Naccarelli, Anthony James Title: Development, Characterization, and Testing of Anode Components for a Biodegradable Seawater Battery Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: corrosionbatterybiodegradableseawatermagnesiumanodeelectrochemistryphysical vapor depositionelectron beam File: Download Naccarelli_Anthony_developmentseawaterbattery.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Barbara A. Shaw, Thesis SupervisorBarbara A. Shaw, Thesis Honors AdvisorElizabeth Sikora, Faculty Reader
3. The Study, Testing, and Development of Direct Methanol Microscale Fuel Cells Open Access Author: Montagna, Paul Anthony Title: The Study, Testing, and Development of Direct Methanol Microscale Fuel Cells Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering (Behrend) Keywords: fuel cellsmicroscalemethanolDMFCelectrodeanodecathodefuel molarityfuel flow rate File: Download Paul_Montagna-Thesis_Final_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Adam Scott Hollinger, Thesis SupervisorAmir Khalilollahi, Thesis Honors Advisor