1. Exploring Ancient Egyptian Faience With Nanotechnology: Compositional Mappings, Microstructure Analysis, And Modern Applications Open Access Author: Okkelberg, Elyssa Iris Title: Exploring Ancient Egyptian Faience With Nanotechnology: Compositional Mappings, Microstructure Analysis, And Modern Applications Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: archeological sciencearchaeometryhistorical objectsglassSEMcopperEDScompositional mappingfritceramicsnanotechnologyEgyptMaterials Science Engineeringart historyfaienceEgyptian faiencepenn stateelyssa okkelberg File: Download Okkelberg_Elyssa_final_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul Raymond Howell, Thesis SupervisorPaul Raymond Howell, Thesis SupervisorDr. Elizabeth J Walters, Thesis Honors AdvisorDigby D Macdonald, Faculty ReaderPaul Raymond Howell, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. PERSONAL AND CULTURAL INTRICACY IN ART HISTORY CLASSROOMS Open Access Author: Kim-Bossard, MinSoo Title: PERSONAL AND CULTURAL INTRICACY IN ART HISTORY CLASSROOMS Area of Honors: Art Education Keywords: art historyart history educationpostmodernismmulticulturalismaesthetics File: Download MinSoo_Kim_Honors_Thesis_final_Aug2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kimberely Anne Powell, Ph D, Thesis SupervisorKimberely Anne Powell, Ph D, Thesis SupervisorChristine M Thompson, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The Beautiful Game: The relationship between sports and art in modern times Open Access Author: Han, Giana Title: The Beautiful Game: The relationship between sports and art in modern times Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: art and sportsart historysports historyjournalismsports journalism File: Download Han_Giana_Thesis2019.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John R Affleck, Thesis SupervisorJames Ford Risley, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. The Funambulists: Balancing Propriety and Deviance in the Portrayal of American Circus Performers, 1870s-1940s Open Access Author: Tetuan, Hannah Title: The Funambulists: Balancing Propriety and Deviance in the Portrayal of American Circus Performers, 1870s-1940s Area of Honors: History Keywords: historyamerican historysocial historyart historygender studieswomen's studiescircuscircus historyp. t. barnum File: Download Tetuan_Hannah_The_Funambulists_Balancing_Propriety_and_Deviance_in_the_Portrayal_of_American_Circus_Performers_1870s_to_1940s.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Amy S Greenberg, Thesis SupervisorCathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. The Culture of Renaissance Artistic Patronage in Northern Italy Open Access Author: Kruse, Nicole Title: The Culture of Renaissance Artistic Patronage in Northern Italy Area of Honors: History Keywords: renaissanceart historyItalyitalianitalian art historyrenaissance art historypatronagenorthern italymantuamilanflorencepatronage culture File: Download The_Culture_of_Renaissance_Artistic_Patronage_in_Northern_Italy.docx.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michele Rossi, Thesis SupervisorCathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor