1. Leisure Style and Attitudes Toward Theatre Attendance Open Access Author: Shultz, Mark James Title: Leisure Style and Attitudes Toward Theatre Attendance Area of Honors: Marketing Keywords: theatreartstheatre marketingarts marketingbroadwaymarket research File: Download Mark_Shultz_FINAL_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jeffrey Michael Kukitz, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Effects of Multimodal Learning on Elementary School Aged Children Open Access Author: Harmon, Jessica Nicole Title: Effects of Multimodal Learning on Elementary School Aged Children Area of Honors: Childhood and Early Adolescent Education Keywords: multimodallearningelementaryartsmodessocial interaction File: Download Harmon_Jessica_EffectsofMultimodalLearningOnElementarySchoolAgedChildren.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joseph M Valente, Thesis SupervisorStephanie Cayot Serriere, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Recovering Together: Roanoke Arts Community Rallies To Survive Pandemic Open Access Author: Turner, Callaway Title: Recovering Together: Roanoke Arts Community Rallies To Survive Pandemic Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: Documentaryartsarts and cultureroanokecovid-19pandemicjournalism File: Download Turner_Callaway_RecoveringTogether.pdfDownload RecoveringTogether_FinalCut.mp4 Thesis Supervisors: Curtis William Chandler, Thesis SupervisorJuliet Pinto, Thesis Honors Advisor