1. Showing the Music: An Exploration of the Effect of Expressive Conducting on Elementary Band Performance Open Access Author: Nation, Christopher Title: Showing the Music: An Exploration of the Effect of Expressive Conducting on Elementary Band Performance Area of Honors: Music Education Keywords: conductingbandelementary band File: Download Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis SupervisorDr. Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis SupervisorJoanne Rutkowski, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. A Fundamentally Sound Switch to Bassoon Open Access Author: O'Brien, Katherine Anne Title: A Fundamentally Sound Switch to Bassoon Area of Honors: Music Education Keywords: bassoonmusic educationclarinetsaxophonevoicingflickinghalf holingmethod booksband File: Download OBrienfinalthesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis SupervisorDr. Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis SupervisorJoanne Rutkowski, Thesis Honors AdvisorDaryl William Durran, Faculty ReaderSue Ellen Haug, Faculty Reader
3. Exploring Midi Sequencing Software as a Score Study Tool for Ensemble Conductors Open Access Author: Judge, Jared Scott Title: Exploring Midi Sequencing Software as a Score Study Tool for Ensemble Conductors Area of Honors: Music Education Keywords: Musiceducationconductingensembleorchestrabandchoirscore studysequencingtechnologygaragebandlogic pronotationmidi File: Download Judge_Jared_exploringmidisequencing.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Orrin Richard Bundy Jr., Thesis SupervisorJoanne Rutkowski, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Discrimination and Isolation Experienced by Female High School Band Directors Open Access Author: Sellers, Katherine Anne Title: Discrimination and Isolation Experienced by Female High School Band Directors Area of Honors: Music Education Keywords: musicmusic educationbandband directinghigh schoolhigh school bandwomensexismfeminismdiscriminationfemalefemale high school band directors File: Download Sellers_Kate_Discrimination_and_Isolation_Experienced_by_Female_High_School_Band_Directors.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis SupervisorDarrin Howard Thornton, Faculty ReaderDr. Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis Honors Advisor