1. Bicycle Commuting: Understanding Opportunities and Constraints in the 21st Century Open Access Author: Mitchell, Will Philip Title: Bicycle Commuting: Understanding Opportunities and Constraints in the 21st Century Area of Honors: Energy, Business, and Finance Keywords: bicyclecommutingtransportationbehaviorsustainabilityadvocacy File: Download Will_Mitchell_Final_Thesis_2012 Thesis Supervisors: Antonio Nieto, Thesis SupervisorAndrew Nathan Kleit, Thesis Honors AdvisorSusannah Heyer Barsom, Faculty Reader
2. Energy Harvesting from Shock Absorbers Via Displacement Amplification Open Access Author: Winick, Ryan Title: Energy Harvesting from Shock Absorbers Via Displacement Amplification Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: energyharvestcollectionpowergenerationshock absorbersuspensionvehiclebicyclecardisplacementamplificationgainsalvagemechanical File: Download Thesis_4_9.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Md Amanul Haque, Thesis SupervisorDr. Daniel Humberto Cortes Correales, Thesis Honors Advisor