1. Impact of Perinatal Education on Breastfeeding Duration Open Access Author: Hansell, Margaret Title: Impact of Perinatal Education on Breastfeeding Duration Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: breastfeedingbreastfeeding educationperinatal educationbreastfeeding duration File: Download Margaret_Hansell_Undergraduate_Thesis_2020.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lisa Ann Kitko, Thesis SupervisorLisa Ann Kitko, Thesis Honors AdvisorSharilee Myer Hrabovsky, Faculty Reader
2. Exclusive Breastfeeding, Emotionally Available Mothering at Bedtime, and Maternal Confidence Across the First Six Months Open Access Author: Smith, Nicole Title: Exclusive Breastfeeding, Emotionally Available Mothering at Bedtime, and Maternal Confidence Across the First Six Months Area of Honors: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: breastfeedingemotional availabilitymaternal confidencemother infant relationship File: Download Nicole_Smith_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Douglas Michael Teti, Thesis SupervisorAlyssa Ann Gamaldo, Thesis Honors Advisor