1. DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION OF EXTRACELLULAR AND INTRACELLULAR TARGETS IN TUMOR-INDUCED ENDOTHELIAL JUNCTION REGULATIONS Open Access Author: Yunkunis, Tara Marie Title: DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION OF EXTRACELLULAR AND INTRACELLULAR TARGETS IN TUMOR-INDUCED ENDOTHELIAL JUNCTION REGULATIONS Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: signalingVE-cadherincalcium File: Download Yunkunis_Thesis_SHC_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Cheng Dong, Thesis SupervisorCheng Dong, Thesis SupervisorDr. William O Hancock, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Increasing Mineral Bioavailability in a Vegan Diet Open Access Author: Sullivan, Valerie Kristan Title: Increasing Mineral Bioavailability in a Vegan Diet Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: veganmineralbioavailabilityironcalciumzincphytateoxalateoxalic acidpolyphenolsphytic acid File: Download THESIS_Submit_Apr19th.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dorothy Ann Blair, Thesis SupervisorDorothy Ann Blair, Thesis SupervisorGary J Fosmire, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Dissemination Sciences: A study of NEEDs for Bones as an osteoporosis prevention tool for middle school students Open Access Author: Mazich, Maria C Title: Dissemination Sciences: A study of NEEDs for Bones as an osteoporosis prevention tool for middle school students Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: nutrition educationosteoporosismiddle school studentscalcium File: Download Mazich_Maria_Dissemination_Sciences.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Barbara Ann Lohse, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations to Model Amorphous Nanoparticles Open Access Author: Weitzner, Stephen E Title: Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations to Model Amorphous Nanoparticles Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: dissipative particle dynamicsDPDcalcium phosphosilicatenanoparticlecalciumphosphate File: Download Weitzner_Stephen_amorphousnanoparticles.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Coray M. Colina, Thesis SupervisorDr. Robert Allen Kimel, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. A Study of Seizure Susceptibility in Brain Specific PERK Knock Out Mice Open Access Author: Henninger, Keely Avril Title: A Study of Seizure Susceptibility in Brain Specific PERK Knock Out Mice Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: biologyneuroscienceepilepsymicePERKcalciumbrain File: Download SHC_final_thesis_2014._keelyhenninger.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Douglas Cavener, Thesis SupervisorDr. Stephen Blair Hedges, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Total-Body Bone Mineral Content in Adolescent Girls Correlates with Body Mass, Growth and Pubertal Development, Physical Fitness, and Parental Perceptions of Dairy Products Open Access Author: Siverling, Megan Lynne Title: Total-Body Bone Mineral Content in Adolescent Girls Correlates with Body Mass, Growth and Pubertal Development, Physical Fitness, and Parental Perceptions of Dairy Products Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: Nutritional SciencesBone mineral contentcalciumpubertyadolescent girls File: Download Megan_Siverling_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Savage Williams, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors Advisor