1. Analysis of potential biomarkers for bovine mastitis using real-time PCR Open Access Author: Taylor, Laura Marie Title: Analysis of potential biomarkers for bovine mastitis using real-time PCR Area of Honors: Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Keywords: mastitiscattlebiomarkersreal-time PCRIL-8IL-10TNFa28S File: Download Taylor_Laura_analysisofpotentialbiomarkerspdf.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bhushan M Jayarao, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lester C Griel Jr., Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Effect of Age on Causes of Bovine Diarrhea Open Access Author: Allen, Hannah Katherine Title: Effect of Age on Causes of Bovine Diarrhea Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: Bovinecattlediarrheagastrointestinal diseasesanimal science File: Download Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jenny Suzanne Fisher, Thesis SupervisorWilliam Staniar, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. INVESTIGATING POTENTIAL IMPACT OF VITAMIN AND MINERAL STATUS IN STILLBORN CALVES Open Access Author: Esplin, Danielle Linda Title: INVESTIGATING POTENTIAL IMPACT OF VITAMIN AND MINERAL STATUS IN STILLBORN CALVES Area of Honors: Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Keywords: cowcattleruminantsveterinarynutritionstillbirthindustrydystociamineralvitaminspennsylvania File: Download Esplin_Thesis_Final2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert John Vansaun, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lester C Griel Jr., Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Effects of barley processing and variety on ruminal disappearance in feedlot cattle Open Access Author: Shampoe, Kelsey Virginia Title: Effects of barley processing and variety on ruminal disappearance in feedlot cattle Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: barleycattlefeedlothullessin siturumendigestibility File: Download Kelsey_Shampoe_Thesis_2018.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Tara Louise Felix, Thesis SupervisorWilliam Burton Staniar, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Ruminal disappearance of barley sources using in vitro techniques Open Access Author: De Feo, Mary Elizabeth Title: Ruminal disappearance of barley sources using in vitro techniques Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: rumenbarleycattlefeedlothullessin vitrodigestibility File: Download DeFeo_Mary_Thesis_2019.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Tara Louise Felix, Thesis SupervisorWilliam Burton Staniar, Thesis Honors Advisor