1. THE EFFECTS OF CELL MORPHOLOGY ON NANOPARTICLE UPTAKE AND UPTAKE AT THE LEADING EDGE IN MC3T3 CELLS Open Access Author: Li, Harvey S Title: THE EFFECTS OF CELL MORPHOLOGY ON NANOPARTICLE UPTAKE AND UPTAKE AT THE LEADING EDGE IN MC3T3 CELLS Area of Honors: Biomedical Engineering Keywords: Biomedical engineeringcell morphologycell culturemicrocontact printingimmunostainingimmunofluorescencelive-cell imagingcell leading edgecelly-27632 File: Download Honors_Thesis_FINAL_v2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Justin Lee Brown, Thesis SupervisorDr. William O Hancock, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Investigating the Role of STAT1 Transcription Factor in the Regulation of Schistosome Immunopathology Open Access Author: Yi, Sara Title: Investigating the Role of STAT1 Transcription Factor in the Regulation of Schistosome Immunopathology Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: schistosomemansonischistosomiasisinflammationinflammatorystat1stat3infectiousdiseaseparasiteparasiticwormsinfectinterferonifn-1ifncytokinesth2th1transcription factortranscriptiondendriticcellinflammasomenlrp3ascil-10il-1bimmunopathologybmdccercariaegranulefibrosistrematodeimmunologyimmune File: Download Investigating_the_Role_of_STAT1_Transcription_Factor_in_the_Regulation_of_Schistosome_Immunopathology.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Parisa Kalantari, Thesis SupervisorStephen Wade Schaeffer, Thesis Honors Advisor