1. Democracy, Museums, and Civil Society: Exploring the Role of Museums as Public Spaces Open Access Author: Gurklis, Alyssa Marie Title: Democracy, Museums, and Civil Society: Exploring the Role of Museums as Public Spaces Area of Honors: Community, Environment, and Development Keywords: democracymuseumspublic spacecritical pedagogyrhetoricpublic memoryinformal learningcitizenshipenabling settingnarrative inquirypower and privilegecommunity development File: Download Gurklis_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theodore Roberts Alter, Thesis SupervisorTheodore Roberts Alter, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Politicizing the Amazons: Discerning Ancient Greek Identity and Otherness in Fifth-Century BCE Literature and Art Open Access Author: Bisbing, Hannah Title: Politicizing the Amazons: Discerning Ancient Greek Identity and Otherness in Fifth-Century BCE Literature and Art Area of Honors: Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies Keywords: AmazonsAncient GreeceGreeksPersiansPersian WarsCentaursParthenonStoa PoikileAthenian Treasury at DelphiwomenOthersHerodotusDiodorus SiculusmythheroheroesHistorypoliticscultureidentityarchitecturemetopesWonder WomanScythianspolisAmazonomachybarbarianbarbariansbarbaricAthenscitizenshipcitizenspatriarchymatriarchyfeminismfeministHeraclesTheseuswarriorsfemale warriorsbinaryautochthonycivilizedThemiscyra File: Download HannahBisbing_Thesis_FINAL_2__1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anna Irene Peterson, Thesis SupervisorMary Lou Zimmerman Munn, Thesis Honors Advisor