1. The Underground Renaissance: Acknowledging Early 20th Century Black Musicians as Forefathers of Modern Musical Culture Open Access Author: Hooper, Kelly Title: The Underground Renaissance: Acknowledging Early 20th Century Black Musicians as Forefathers of Modern Musical Culture Area of Honors: Music Keywords: classical musicjazzmusicculturemusic culturecoplanddebussyelitismblack musicbluesmusic historyclassical music performance etiquettejazz improvisationBaroque improvisations File: Download The_Underground_Renaissance_-Kelly_Hooper.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Charles Dowell Youmans, Thesis SupervisorCharles Dowell Youmans, Thesis Honors AdvisorEric John Mckee, Faculty Reader
2. Advancing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Musicological Canon Open Access Author: Rosario, Gray Title: Advancing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Musicological Canon Area of Honors: Music Keywords: Classical canonclassical musicdiversityequityinclusionmusic historymusic theory File: Download BMA_Thesis_Final_2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark C Ferraguto, Thesis SupervisorCharles Dowell Youmans, Thesis Honors Advisor