1. Neural Network Feature Extraction For Activity Recognition In Video Data Open Access Author: Casterline, Kyle A Title: Neural Network Feature Extraction For Activity Recognition In Video Data Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: featuresPCAsparsityneuralnetworkvideoextractionspatio-temporalobjectrecognitionclassificationSVMneighborsVIRAT File: Download Casterline_thesis_draft_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Shashi Phoha, Thesis SupervisorJohn Douglas Mitchell, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. And the Oscar Goes to... (An Application and Comparison of Models Used to Predict the Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture) Open Access Author: Slayton, Joshua Title: And the Oscar Goes to... (An Application and Comparison of Models Used to Predict the Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture) Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: statisticslogistic regressiondecision treeleave-one-out cross validationoscarsacademy awardsbest picturepredictiondata analysisclassificationregression File: Download Slayton_Josh_AndTheOscarGoesTo.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael Rutter, Thesis SupervisorMichael Rutter, Thesis Honors AdvisorTerry Mark Blakney, Faculty Reader
3. Predicting 30-Day ICU Readmission Rates Using Machine Learning on Electronic Health Records Open Access Author: Farooq, Sarah Title: Predicting 30-Day ICU Readmission Rates Using Machine Learning on Electronic Health Records Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: machine learningclassificationEHRdataelectronic health recordshospitalICUreadmissionclass imbalancemissing valuesimputationrebalancinghospital readmissionpatientmedical dataXG BoostMICE data imputationhealthhealth caremodelsupervised learningmodel performance File: Download SarahFarooq_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Fenglong Ma, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors Advisor