1. The Interactive Effects Of Parental Education and Friends’ College Plans on College Enrollment Open Access Author: Montminy, Sarah Lynne Title: The Interactive Effects Of Parental Education and Friends’ College Plans on College Enrollment Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: social capitalcumulative advantageresource substitutioncollege enrollment File: Download montminy_sarah_finalsubmission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Lynn Frisco, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffery Todd Ulmer, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Determinants of College Enrollment and College Graduation with a Focus on Family Transfers Open Access Author: Geiman, Josalyn C Title: Determinants of College Enrollment and College Graduation with a Focus on Family Transfers Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: education decisioncollege enrollmentcollege graduationfamily transfers File: Download Geiman__Josalyn_Thesis_Paper.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Russell Wade Cooper, Thesis SupervisorDr. Russell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor