1. CONCENTRATION-DISCHARGE RELATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH END-MEMBERS AND FLOW PATHS, IN A MODEL CATCHMENT Open Access Author: Kakuturu, Sruthi Title: CONCENTRATION-DISCHARGE RELATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH END-MEMBERS AND FLOW PATHS, IN A MODEL CATCHMENT Area of Honors: Environmental Systems Engineering Keywords: concentration dischargeconcentrationdischargeend memberend-memberend member mixing analysisEMMAflow pathmineral dissolutionnutrient transportcontaminant hydrologyhydrologycontaminantadsorptioncouplinghysteresisprecipitationintensitymodelcatchment hydrology3-D printingsolidworksgeochemical File: Download __Thesis_final_b.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Li Li, Thesis SupervisorMark Stephen Klima, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Being Present: A Visual and Literary Concentration Open Access Author: Tulli, Floriana Alexa Title: Being Present: A Visual and Literary Concentration Area of Honors: Letters, Arts, and Sciences (Abington) Keywords: artshort storypoetryconcentrationnatureRomanticismTranscendentalismImagismRealismModernism File: Download Tulli_Floriana_Being_Present.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David E Ruth, Thesis Honors AdvisorLinda Patterson Miller, Thesis Supervisor