1. Pearland Recreation Center and Natatorium Open Access Author: Smiddy, Matthew David Title: Pearland Recreation Center and Natatorium Area of Honors: Architectural Engineering Keywords: natatoriumconstructionrecreation centerstructural systemmechanical systempearlandhoustontexaswelded connectionbolted connectiondelivery methodpublic project File: Download Final_Report_-_Honors.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jim Faust, Thesis SupervisorM Kevin Parfitt, Thesis SupervisorDavid R Riley II, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. An Adaptive Relational Database Development for Construction Robotic Application Open Access Author: Beauchat, Tessa Title: An Adaptive Relational Database Development for Construction Robotic Application Area of Honors: Architectural Engineering Keywords: Construction roboticsroboticsconstructiondatabase designrelational database File: Download Beauchat_Tessa_AnAdaptiveRelationalDatabaseDevelopmentforConstructionRoboticApplication_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Yuqing Hu, Thesis SupervisorRichard Mistrick, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Reaching New Heights: Exploring Mass Timber in City-Making Open Access Author: Petersen, Alex Title: Reaching New Heights: Exploring Mass Timber in City-Making Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: mass timberarchitecturewoodtimberurbanstructural systemssustainabilitydesignconstructionPittsburghTall Wood Buildings File: Download Petersen_SchreyerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darla V Lindberg, Thesis SupervisorOrsolya Gaspar, Thesis Honors Advisor