1. Cold Sintering of Zinc Oxide Polyimide Composites with Internally Tunable Electrical Properties via Polymer Crosslinking Open Access Author: Vetser, Adam Title: Cold Sintering of Zinc Oxide Polyimide Composites with Internally Tunable Electrical Properties via Polymer Crosslinking Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: cold sinteringsinteringceramicspolymerscompositesceramic-polymer compositesvaristorsimpedance spectroscopypolyimideZnOzinc oxidecomposite cold sinteringcrosslinkinginternal polymer crosslinkingRTM370 File: Download Adam_Vetser_Undergraduate_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Clive A Randall, Thesis SupervisorRobert Allen Kimel, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Hydrogenated and Sulfonated Triblock Copolymer for Clean Water Open Access Author: Thomas, Wyatt Title: Hydrogenated and Sulfonated Triblock Copolymer for Clean Water Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-block-polystyreneWater UptakeIon Exchange CapacityHydrogenationSulfonationcrosslinkingclean waterdesalinationNMR characterizationFilm Casting File: Download Hydrogenated_and_Sulfonated_Triblock_Copolymer_for_Clean_Water.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Hee Jeung Oh, Thesis SupervisorMichael John Janik, Thesis Honors Advisor