1. Metabolic Engineering Of Synechococcus Sp. Pcc 7002 To Produce Alkanes Open Access Author: Liu, Yang Title: Metabolic Engineering Of Synechococcus Sp. Pcc 7002 To Produce Alkanes Area of Honors: Biotechnology Keywords: cyanobacteriaalkanes biosynthesisbiofuel File: Download 1-thesis_Yang_Liu_DAB_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Donald Ashley Bryant, Thesis SupervisorDavid Scott Gilmour, Thesis Honors AdvisorRichard John Frisque, Faculty Reader
2. DEVELOPMENT AND COMPARISON OF POTENTIAL HIV-TRANSMISSION PREVENTION PROTEINS NATIVE TO FRESHWATER CYANOBACTERIA Open Access Author: Jones, Ryan Joseph Title: DEVELOPMENT AND COMPARISON OF POTENTIAL HIV-TRANSMISSION PREVENTION PROTEINS NATIVE TO FRESHWATER CYANOBACTERIA Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: HIVcyanobacteriacyanovirinmicrovirincyanobacteria transformationMicrocystis aeruginosaanti-retroviralmicrobicidemolecular cloningInteinSolubility tagFusion cloningCyanobacteria PCR File: Download RJ_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. A Low-Cost Kit for the Purification of a Mannan-Binding Lectin Preventing HIV Transmission Open Access Author: Krum, David Title: A Low-Cost Kit for the Purification of a Mannan-Binding Lectin Preventing HIV Transmission Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: HIVcyanobacteriachemical engineeringprotein purificationPCRModelingTransgenic PlantsMicroscopy File: Download Krum_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis SupervisorWayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors AdvisorAmir Sheikhi, Faculty Reader
4. An Inside Look on Eutrophication in the Blue Marsh Reservoir by Identifying Cyanobacteria and Their Associated Toxin Genes: A Method to Use Cyanophages to Decrease Harmful Algal Blooms Open Access Author: Moawad, Rana Title: An Inside Look on Eutrophication in the Blue Marsh Reservoir by Identifying Cyanobacteria and Their Associated Toxin Genes: A Method to Use Cyanophages to Decrease Harmful Algal Blooms Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: eutrophicationharmful algal bloomscyanobacteriaBlue Marsh ReservoirHABscyanophageswater qualityanthropogenic File: Download Moawad__Rana_Schreyer_Thesis_May_2022_FINAL_Complete_Submit_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Tami H Mysliwiec, Thesis SupervisorSandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor