1. MOTIVATIONS AND ENABLERS PRESENT IN DECEPTION OPERATIONS: HISTORICAL CASE STUDY EXAMPLE - OPERATION FORTITUDE Open Access Author: Eberhardt, Gabrielle Patricia Title: MOTIVATIONS AND ENABLERS PRESENT IN DECEPTION OPERATIONS: HISTORICAL CASE STUDY EXAMPLE - OPERATION FORTITUDE Area of Honors: Security and Risk Analysis Keywords: deceptionentitiesmotivationsbiasesenablersOperation FORTITUDEexploitawarevulnerable File: Download GETHESIS2018.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jacob Lehner Graham, Thesis SupervisorDinghao Wu, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Analyzing the payoffs of lying in various situations to determine if lying is ever truly beneficial. Open Access Author: Cadenas, Elena Title: Analyzing the payoffs of lying in various situations to determine if lying is ever truly beneficial. Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: deceptionlyingtruthfulnesssignalPrisoner's Dilemmagame theorybeneficialpsychologicalneurologicalimmune function payoffsignalingfactorspayoffdeceptionpayoffimmune function File: Download ElenaCadenasThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Christopher Byrne, Thesis SupervisorDr. Victoria V Sadovskaya, Thesis Honors Advisor