1. Understanding a mother's attempt to reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission in the Caprivi Region, Namibia Open Access Author: Layton, Sarah Elaine Title: Understanding a mother's attempt to reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission in the Caprivi Region, Namibia Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: HIV/AIDSNamibiamaternal healthdecision-makingidentity constructionhealthcare File: Download Layton_Sarah_UnderstandingMothersAttemptReduceRisk_FINALTHESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Petra Tschakert, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Crisis Decisions: Political Influences on FOMC Decision-Making during the 2007 Financial Crisis and the Creation of Foreign Credit Liquidity Swap Lines Open Access Author: Quinn, Kathleen M Title: Crisis Decisions: Political Influences on FOMC Decision-Making during the 2007 Financial Crisis and the Creation of Foreign Credit Liquidity Swap Lines Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: Federal ReserveFOMCdecision-making2007 financial crisisswap linesreciprocal currency agreementsmonetary politics File: Download Quinn_KathleenM_CrisisDecisionsandtheFOMC.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Lynn Lowery, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Multi-agent Network Modeling for Rapid Response Against Public Emergency in Communities Open Access Author: Shi, Xiaoru Title: Multi-agent Network Modeling for Rapid Response Against Public Emergency in Communities Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Community network modeldecision-makingevacuation simulationmulti-agent modelingpedestrian flow.Community Network ModelDecision-MakingRapid Response SimulationMulti-Agent ModelingPedestrian Flow File: Download Xiaoru_Shi_Thesis_2023_Final_Draft__Redacted.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Hui Yang, Thesis SupervisorCatherine Harmonosky, Thesis Honors Advisor