1. The effects of a prairie grass restoration on small mammal populations in the Pennsylvania State University Arboretum. Open Access Author: Mcmahon, Elyse Kathleen Title: The effects of a prairie grass restoration on small mammal populations in the Pennsylvania State University Arboretum. Area of Honors: Wildlife and Fisheries Science Keywords: small mammalsprairie grassrestorationabundanceestimated population sizedensitydiversityevennessmark recaputre File: Download 1-Thadius_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Justin Bohling, Thesis SupervisorMargaret C Brittingham, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. A Comparative Analysis Of Primate Subchondral Density Of The Femoral Head Open Access Author: Siburn, Sean James Title: A Comparative Analysis Of Primate Subchondral Density Of The Femoral Head Area of Honors: Biological Anthropolgy Keywords: bonecorticalproximal femursubchondral bonelocomotiondensityprimateshumanschimpanzeesorangutans File: Download Siburn_Thesis_Fall2014_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Timothy Michael Ryan, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors AdvisorNina G Jablonski, Faculty Reader
3. TRADESPACE EXPLORATION OF PARAMETERS FOR AEROCAPTURE AT MARS Open Access Author: Kim, Sung Jun Title: TRADESPACE EXPLORATION OF PARAMETERS FOR AEROCAPTURE AT MARS Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: MarsorbitalmechanicsaerocaptureMars-GRAMatmospheredensitydragtradespaceexplorationorbitatmosphericinterplanetaryastrodynamics File: Download Final_Draft_SHC_Thesis_Sung_Jun_Kim.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Bradley Spencer, Thesis SupervisorDavid Bradley Spencer, Thesis Honors AdvisorRobert Graham Melton, Faculty Reader
4. Housing Solution for Gangnam Apartments Open Access Author: Chang, Yumih Title: Housing Solution for Gangnam Apartments Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: Koreahousingdensityhanok File: Download SchreyerThesis_Book.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darla V Lindberg, Thesis SupervisorJames Gill Cooper, Thesis Honors Advisor