1. An Inexpensive Scanner-independent Motion Monitor for Research and Clinical Imaging Applications Open Access Author: Wahi-anwar, Muhammad W Title: An Inexpensive Scanner-independent Motion Monitor for Research and Clinical Imaging Applications Area of Honors: Physics Keywords: simplemotionmonitorMRIartifactdetection File: Download thesis_final_merged.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Susan K Lemieux, Thesis SupervisorProf. Richard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. A NEWTONIAN REPULSIVE FORCE FIELD AND MORPHOLOGICAL SKELETON PARAMETRIC CURVATURE NEURAL NETWORK RECOGNITION SYSTEM FOR HUMAN DETECTION AND TRACKING WITHIN A LAGRANGIAN SYSTEM Open Access Author: Richards, Ryan John Title: A NEWTONIAN REPULSIVE FORCE FIELD AND MORPHOLOGICAL SKELETON PARAMETRIC CURVATURE NEURAL NETWORK RECOGNITION SYSTEM FOR HUMAN DETECTION AND TRACKING WITHIN A LAGRANGIAN SYSTEM Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: humandetectiontrackinginfraredcameramorphological skeletonnewtonian potential fieldforce fielddivergencecurvaturericci flowraspberry piOpenCV File: Download Richards_Ryan_HumanDetectionTracking.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Timothy Joseph Kane, Thesis SupervisorDr. Julio V. Urbina, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Investigating Differences in Oral Somatosensation and Viscosity Perception Open Access Author: Alcala, Maya Isabella Title: Investigating Differences in Oral Somatosensation and Viscosity Perception Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: viscosityoral somatosensationpoint pressurethresholdsdiscriminationdetectionperceptionVon Frey HairCochet-Bonnetoral touchfluid flowmouthmaltodextrinJust Noticeable DifferenceJNDOral Acuity File: Download AlcalaMaya_ThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John E Hayes, Thesis SupervisorFederico Miguel Harte, Thesis Honors Advisor