1. DEVELOPMENTAL DIFFERENCES IN MATHEMATICAL LEARNING AIDED BY EMBODIMENT THROUGH GESTURE Open Access Author: Wilson, Danielle Jill Title: DEVELOPMENTAL DIFFERENCES IN MATHEMATICAL LEARNING AIDED BY EMBODIMENT THROUGH GESTURE Area of Honors: Psychology (Behrend) Keywords: developmentalMathEmbodimentGesture File: Download DanielleWilsonFinalSchreyerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Victoria A Kazmerski, Thesis SupervisorVictoria A Kazmerski, Thesis SupervisorDr. Dawn Blasko, Faculty ReaderCharisse Nixon, Faculty ReaderVictoria A Kazmerski, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. L1 AND L2 PHONETIC INTERACTION IN CLASSROOM L2 LEARNERS: A DEVELOPMENTAL PERSPECTIVE Open Access Author: Yuro, Jaclyn A Title: L1 AND L2 PHONETIC INTERACTION IN CLASSROOM L2 LEARNERS: A DEVELOPMENTAL PERSPECTIVE Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: psychologylinguisticslanguage learningdevelopmentalVOT File: Download YuroJaclyn_SHCThesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janet van Hell, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffrey M Love, Thesis Honors Advisor