1. Adapting Journalism Curriculum: Digital Journalism Education and Its Relevance to Current Industry Demands Open Access Author: Sattely, Connor F. Title: Adapting Journalism Curriculum: Digital Journalism Education and Its Relevance to Current Industry Demands Area of Honors: Communication (Behrend) Keywords: journalismdigital journalismdigital mediajournalism educationmedia educationdigitizationjournalism File: Download CSattelyUpdatedThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rodney L Troester, Thesis SupervisorRodney L Troester, Thesis SupervisorRodney L Troester, Thesis Honors AdvisorInkyu Kang, Faculty Reader
2. Gender and Generation Gap in Online News Consumption Open Access Author: Korgaonkar, Swarali Title: Gender and Generation Gap in Online News Consumption Area of Honors: Digital Media Trends Analytics Keywords: digital mediacommunicationsonline newsgendergeneration File: Download Korgaonkar_Swarali_NewsGender_GenerationGap_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Krishna Prasad Jayakar, Thesis SupervisorLee A Ahern, Thesis Honors Advisor