1. ASSESSING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DISCRIMINATION AND HEALTH AMONG MEXICAN IMMIGRANT FARMWORKERS Open Access Author: Beachler, Brian Title: ASSESSING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DISCRIMINATION AND HEALTH AMONG MEXICAN IMMIGRANT FARMWORKERS Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: discriminationfarmworkershealth File: Download Assessing_the_Relationship_Between_Discrimination_and_Health_Among_Mexican_Immigrant_Farmworkers..pdf Thesis Supervisors: Shedra Amy Snipes, Thesis SupervisorShedra Amy Snipes, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Racial Stacking in College Football: A Microcosm of American Racism Open Access Author: Halstead, Sarah E Title: Racial Stacking in College Football: A Microcosm of American Racism Area of Honors: African and African American Studies Keywords: racismcollege footballracial stackingdiscrimination File: Download Halstead_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul C Taylor, Thesis Honors AdvisorClemente K. Abrokwaa, Thesis Supervisor
3. Hotel Managers' Perceptions of Homeless Job Applicants Open Access Author: Shockley, Alexander Edwin Title: Hotel Managers' Perceptions of Homeless Job Applicants Area of Honors: Hospitality Management Keywords: hotelmanagerhotel managerhomelesshomelessnessjob applicanthirestereotypediscriminationbiashiringperceptions File: Download Shockley_Alexander_PerceptionsofHomeless.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Breffni M Noone, Thesis SupervisorDr. Breffni M Noone, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Anna S Mattila, Faculty Reader
4. Discrimination and Isolation Experienced by Female High School Band Directors Open Access Author: Sellers, Katherine Anne Title: Discrimination and Isolation Experienced by Female High School Band Directors Area of Honors: Music Education Keywords: musicmusic educationbandband directinghigh schoolhigh school bandwomensexismfeminismdiscriminationfemalefemale high school band directors File: Download Sellers_Kate_Discrimination_and_Isolation_Experienced_by_Female_High_School_Band_Directors.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis SupervisorDarrin Howard Thornton, Faculty ReaderDr. Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Investigating Differences in Oral Somatosensation and Viscosity Perception Open Access Author: Alcala, Maya Isabella Title: Investigating Differences in Oral Somatosensation and Viscosity Perception Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: viscosityoral somatosensationpoint pressurethresholdsdiscriminationdetectionperceptionVon Frey HairCochet-Bonnetoral touchfluid flowmouthmaltodextrinJust Noticeable DifferenceJNDOral Acuity File: Download AlcalaMaya_ThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John E Hayes, Thesis SupervisorFederico Miguel Harte, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Are Black People Today Aware of Colorism? An Exploration of Colorism and the Impact it has on Black People Open Access Author: Thiam, Diaka Title: Are Black People Today Aware of Colorism? An Exploration of Colorism and the Impact it has on Black People Area of Honors: Letters, Arts, and Sciences Keywords: colorismskin tone stratificationdiscriminationskin tone biasmediaself-esteemskin tone satisfaction File: Download Diaka_Thiam_s_Thesis_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. David J Hutson, Thesis SupervisorDr. David E Ruth, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Sexism in STEM: Intragroup Dynamics Within Mixed-Sex Engineering Teams Open Access Author: Mastrangelo, Allison Title: Sexism in STEM: Intragroup Dynamics Within Mixed-Sex Engineering Teams Area of Honors: Labor and Employment Relations Keywords: sexismSTEMteamworksexism in STEMsexism in STEM teamsdiversitydiscrimination File: Download Allison_Mastrangelo_Thesis_Final_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kameron Carter, Thesis SupervisorJean Marie Phillips, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Unintentional Single-Family Loan Price and Approval Discrimination on Race through Financial Deserts Open Access Author: Liang, Deric Title: Unintentional Single-Family Loan Price and Approval Discrimination on Race through Financial Deserts Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: statisticseconomicsmortgagesfinancial desertsdiscriminationregressionregularizationregression treemarket competition File: Download LiangDericThesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Qi Li, Thesis SupervisorJia Li, Thesis Honors Advisor