1. Framing Responsibility: An analysis of local news media's representation of sexist violence Open Access Author: Mcguire, Meghann Elizabeth Title: Framing Responsibility: An analysis of local news media's representation of sexist violence Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences (Berks/Lehigh) Keywords: domestic violencehegemonylocal newsmediapatriarchyraperepresentationresponsibilityvictim blaming File: Download Thesis_Final_McGuire.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Cheryl L Nicholas, Thesis SupervisorEvelyn Michele Ramsey, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Social Dimensions: Differences Among Abused Women Who Do or Do Not Want Their Abuser Penalized Under No-Drop Policies. Open Access Author: La Paz, Eydsa M Title: Social Dimensions: Differences Among Abused Women Who Do or Do Not Want Their Abuser Penalized Under No-Drop Policies. Area of Honors: Crime, Law, and Justice Keywords: domestic violenceno-drop policyrational choice theoryracevictim-offender relationshipchildrenlevel of education File: Download La_Paz_Eydsa_AbusedWomenAcrossSocialDimensions.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Laurie Katherine Scheuble, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffery Todd Ulmer, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Sentencing Disparity and Structural Inequality Between Perpetrators of Domestic Violence: Who Goes Free? Open Access Author: Lawrence, Mary Title: Sentencing Disparity and Structural Inequality Between Perpetrators of Domestic Violence: Who Goes Free? Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: domestic violencestructural inequalitysentencingarrestdomestic violencestructural inequalitysentencingarrest File: Download ML_THESIS_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Laurie Katherine Scheuble, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors AdvisorCaren E Bloom-Steidle, Faculty Reader
4. The impact of witnessing domestic violence on Hemoglobin A1C and C-Reactive Protein levels in children Open Access Author: Stitzel, Sarah Title: The impact of witnessing domestic violence on Hemoglobin A1C and C-Reactive Protein levels in children Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: domestic violencec-reactive proteinhemoglobin A1Cchild maltreatment File: Download Stitzel_BBH_Honors_Thesis_Final_Review.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Hannah M.C. Schreier, Thesis SupervisorHelen Marie Kamens, Thesis Honors Advisor