1. The regulation of lipid storage by the splicing factor transformer2 (tra2) in Drosophila Open Access Author: Mikoluk, Cezary Title: The regulation of lipid storage by the splicing factor transformer2 (tra2) in Drosophila Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: tratra2transformertransformer2drosophilamelanogasterCPT1triglyceridelipidstoragesplicingfactor9G8 File: Download Mikoluk_Cezary_tra2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Justin DiAngelo, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sandy Feinstein, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Meiotic Drive Via Sex Ratio Chromosome In Drosophila Psuedoobscura Open Access Author: Westlake, Jonathan George Title: Meiotic Drive Via Sex Ratio Chromosome In Drosophila Psuedoobscura Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Geneticsdrosophilabiologyevolutionnatural selectionchromosome File: Download Westlake_Jonathan_Meoitic_Drive_via_SR_chromome.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Stephen Wade Schaeffer, Thesis SupervisorDr. James Harold Marden, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Exploring Mechanisms of Microtubule Polarity Establishment and Regulation in Drosophila Melanogaster Open Access Author: Yanoshak, Emily Title: Exploring Mechanisms of Microtubule Polarity Establishment and Regulation in Drosophila Melanogaster Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: drosophilaneuronsneurosciencemicrotubulespositive regulationTRIM9Klp61Fmicrotubule polarity File: Download Emily_Yanoshak_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Melissa Rolls, Thesis SupervisorBernhard Luscher, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Exploring the Molecular Biology of Class III DA Drosophila Neurons - Mediators of Gentle-Touch Sensation Open Access Author: Ratnasamy, Philip Title: Exploring the Molecular Biology of Class III DA Drosophila Neurons - Mediators of Gentle-Touch Sensation Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: drosophilagentle-touchbiochemistrymolecular biology File: Download Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Melissa Rolls, Thesis SupervisorSanthosh Girirajan, Thesis Honors Advisor