1. “Our Remedies Oft In Ourselves Do Lie” : Herbalism and Medicinal Floriography As Feminine Power In The Spanish Tragedy, Hamlet, and The Winter's Tale Open Access Author: Larkin, Martha Ann Title: “Our Remedies Oft In Ourselves Do Lie” : Herbalism and Medicinal Floriography As Feminine Power In The Spanish Tragedy, Hamlet, and The Winter's Tale Area of Honors: English (Behrend) Keywords: ShakespeareKydGerardCulpeperherbalismfloriographyOpheliaPerditaHamletThe Winter's TaleThe Spanish Tragedyherbalsixteenth centuryearly modern Englishearly modern medicine File: Download MLarkinSchreyersThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sara Luttfring, Thesis SupervisorDr. John Gerard Champagne, Thesis Honors AdvisorMary Constance Connerty, Faculty Reader