1. Student Government Budgets: A Causative Analysis Open Access Author: Cannon, Mark J Title: Student Government Budgets: A Causative Analysis Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: econometricsstudent governmentUPUAStatabudgetsstudent leadershipstudent affairseconomic analysisstudent feesgovernment structures File: Download Student_Government_Budgets_A_Causative_Analysis2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: N Edward Coulson, Thesis SupervisorN Edward Coulson, Thesis SupervisorDavid Shapiro, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Analysis and Applications of Natural Gas Micro-grids Open Access Author: Carbine, Megan D'Lauro Title: Analysis and Applications of Natural Gas Micro-grids Area of Honors: Energy, Business, and Finance Keywords: natural gasMarcellus shaleMicro-Grideconomic analysisClearfield CountyDuBoisNCL Resources File: Download Carbine_Megan_AnalysisandApplicationsofNaturalGasMicroGrids.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Seth Adam Blumsack, Thesis SupervisorSeth Adam Blumsack, Thesis Honors AdvisorLuis F. Ayala, Faculty Reader
3. A Quantitative Analysis of the Use and Efficacy of the Franchise Tag in the National Football League Open Access Author: Ringel, Benjamin Harry Title: A Quantitative Analysis of the Use and Efficacy of the Franchise Tag in the National Football League Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: econometricstreatment regressionNFLfranchise tageconomic analysissportssalary capSTATAprobit File: Download BenjaminRingelThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: N Edward Coulson, Thesis SupervisorDavid Shapiro, Thesis Honors Advisor