1. Reducing The Monthly Electricity Bill Using Real-time Pricing Optimization Open Access Author: Chen, Kewei Title: Reducing The Monthly Electricity Bill Using Real-time Pricing Optimization Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: electricitybilloptimizationRRTPreal-time pricingrenewable energypeak powerschedulingsolar energywind energy File: Download Chen_Real_Time_Electricity_Optimization.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Thesis SupervisorDr. John Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Resource-reserve Economic and Financial Analyses of Utility-scale Solar Photovoltaic Investment in India Open Access Author: Gardner, Drew Spragins Title: Resource-reserve Economic and Financial Analyses of Utility-scale Solar Photovoltaic Investment in India Area of Honors: Energy, Business, and Finance Keywords: solarenergyphotovoltaicresourcereserveresource-reserveinvestmentIndiaeconomicfinancialanalysiselectricity File: Download Gardner.RR_PV_India_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Antonio Nieto, Thesis SupervisorAndrew Nathan Kleit, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Impact of Increased Market Penetration of Electric Vehicles on the PJM Regional Electric Grid Open Access Author: Humenik, Dylan James Title: Impact of Increased Market Penetration of Electric Vehicles on the PJM Regional Electric Grid Area of Honors: Energy Engineering Keywords: Electric VehicleElectric CarEconomic Dispatchunit commitmentelectricityPJMelectric gridEVchargingIEEEmarketmarket penetrationregional gridgridenergypowerengineeringEMEgenerationgeneratorwindsolarnuclearcoalgasbiomasscontrol algorithmconstraintcharging window File: Download thesis_template_FINAL_Dylan_Humenik.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mort D Webster, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sarma V Pisupati, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Assessing the Sustainability of Electrodialysis for Rare Earth Element Recovery from Phosphogypsum Open Access Author: Brajovic, Alexandra Title: Assessing the Sustainability of Electrodialysis for Rare Earth Element Recovery from Phosphogypsum Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: electrodialysislife cycle analysistechonoeconomic analysisExcelEDrare earth elementsREEsphosphogypsumelectricitycurrentimpactopenLCALCATEAoxalic acid File: Download Brajovic_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rui L Shi, Thesis SupervisorEsther Gomez, Thesis Honors Advisor