1. Emotion Regulatory Strategies in Young Children: A Functional Perspective of Negative Emotions in a Frustrating Task Open Access Author: Perri, Melissa Ann Title: Emotion Regulatory Strategies in Young Children: A Functional Perspective of Negative Emotions in a Frustrating Task Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: emotion regulationangersadnessstrategiesfunctional theory of emotionnegative emotiontoddlersyoung children File: Download Functional_Perspective_of_Negative_Emotions.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Pamela Marie Cole, Thesis SupervisorDr. Pamela Marie Cole, Thesis SupervisorJeanette N Cleveland, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. a critical review of the maternal-infant bonding and attachment interventions to promote healthy emotion regulation in childhood Open Access Author: Scanga, Brianna Title: a critical review of the maternal-infant bonding and attachment interventions to promote healthy emotion regulation in childhood Area of Honors: Psychology (Behrend) Keywords: maternal-infantemotion regulationattachmenthealthy bondingattachment interventionschildhood File: Download SHC_Thesis_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Wilson James Brown, Thesis SupervisorMelanie D. Hetzel-Riggin, Thesis Honors Advisor