1. Vicarious Embarrassment and Reluctant Student Participation in Classrooms Open Access Author: Galeza, Emily Rose Title: Vicarious Embarrassment and Reluctant Student Participation in Classrooms Area of Honors: Psychology (Behrend) Keywords: classroom participationvicarious embarrassmentempathyembarrassabilitySilent Classroom Scenerio File: Download Emily_Galeza_Vicarious_Embarrassment_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carol Leigh Wilson, Thesis SupervisorVictoria A Kazmerski, Thesis Honors AdvisorKimberly Corson, Faculty Reader
2. Mad for Literature, or How The Bell Jar Can Save Your Life Open Access Author: Leamy, Madeline Title: Mad for Literature, or How The Bell Jar Can Save Your Life Area of Honors: English Keywords: mental healthliteratureempathypedagogywellness File: Download Leamy_Mad_for_Literature.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard Matthew Doyle, Thesis SupervisorCarla J. Mulford, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Information Enabling Action: Agency-Focused Social Media Frames as a Way to Promote Willingness to Help and Prevent Compassion Fade in Response to Natural Disasters Open Access Author: Colucci, Anthony Title: Information Enabling Action: Agency-Focused Social Media Frames as a Way to Promote Willingness to Help and Prevent Compassion Fade in Response to Natural Disasters Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: social media framesnatural disaster responsesocial media natural disasterscompassion fadeempathywillingness to helpempathy-altruism hypothesisempathy helping File: Download Final_File__1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theresa K Vescio, Thesis SupervisorGreg Edward Loviscky, Thesis Honors AdvisorHeather Shoenberger, Thesis Supervisor
4. Feeling “Lonely Together”: The Roles of Empathy and Distance in Emotional Responses to Theatre Open Access Author: Munitz, Melody Title: Feeling “Lonely Together”: The Roles of Empathy and Distance in Emotional Responses to Theatre Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Musical Theatre and Psychology Keywords: theatreempathyemotiondistancemirror neuronsperformance File: Download Melody_Munitz_-_Schreyer_Thesis_Submission.pdfDownload _Lonely_Together__Performance_Video.mov Thesis Supervisors: Christopher Daryl Cameron, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors AdvisorRaymond Sage, Thesis SupervisorElisha Clark Halpin, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: A Critical Literature Review on Preparing English Language Teacher Candidates to Teach Abroad Open Access Author: Sharp, Rose Title: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: A Critical Literature Review on Preparing English Language Teacher Candidates to Teach Abroad Area of Honors: Applied Linguistics Keywords: applied linguisticsculturally responsive pedagogyladson-billingsculturally relevant pedagogyempathyteachingteaching abroadteacher training File: Download Culturally_Responsive_Pedagogy-_A_Critical_Literature_Review_on_Preparing_English_Language_Teacher_Candidates_to_Teach_Abroad.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sharon Smith Childs, Thesis SupervisorSharon Smith Childs, Thesis Honors AdvisorSuresh Canagarajah, Faculty Reader
6. Investigating the Effect of Empathy and News Readership on Affective Polarization Open Access Author: Zhang, Steven Title: Investigating the Effect of Empathy and News Readership on Affective Polarization Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: affective polarizationempathynews readershipnewsnews consumptionpolarizationpoliticspsychologybehaviorpolitical psychologypolitical divideparty polarizationpartisanpartisanship File: Download Zhang_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Peter K Hatemi, Thesis SupervisorMatthew Richard Golder, Thesis Honors Advisor