1. CustomSupps, Inc. Business Plan Open Access Author: Russ, Paul Title: CustomSupps, Inc. Business Plan Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: business plannutritional supplementspaul russkyle vinanskyentrepreneurshipangel funding File: Download thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anthony Charles Warren, Thesis SupervisorAnthony Charles Warren, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Developing Student Entrepreneurship at Penn State the Resources and Recommendations Students Need to Launch a Venture Open Access Author: Tornetta, Jonathan Mark Title: Developing Student Entrepreneurship at Penn State the Resources and Recommendations Students Need to Launch a Venture Area of Honors: Elective Area of Honors - Engineering Entrepreneurship Keywords: entrepreneurshipstartupstart-upventurecompanyincubatorinnoblueinnovationbusinessInnobluementorfundingcollaborate File: Download 2012-04-09_Developing-Entrepreneurship-at-PSU_Jon-Tornetta.pdf
3. Understanding the Barriers and Development of a Venture Capital and Seed Funding Ecosystem in Ecuador Open Access Author: Castro, Juan Jose Title: Understanding the Barriers and Development of a Venture Capital and Seed Funding Ecosystem in Ecuador Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: venture capitalseed fundingsouth americaEcuadorangel investingentrepreneurshipinnovationfinancing File: Download Juan_Jose_Castro_UnderstandingtheBarriersandDevelopmentofaVentureCapitalandSeedFundingEcosysteminEcuador.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Alan Miles, Thesis Honors AdvisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorDr. Joseph Randall Woolridge, Faculty Reader
4. GreenTowers, LLC - Lessons Learned in the Creation of an Urban Agriculture Student Startup Company Open Access Author: Betz, Dustin David Title: GreenTowers, LLC - Lessons Learned in the Creation of an Urban Agriculture Student Startup Company Area of Honors: Horticulture Keywords: aquaponicsurbanagriculturestartupLLCverticalfarmingentrepreneurshiporganicfoodhydroponicsaquaculture File: Download Betz_Dustin_GreenTowersLLCUrbanAgricultureStudentStartup.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kathleen Marie Kelley, Thesis SupervisorElizabeth Cunningham Kisenwether, Thesis Honors AdvisorElsa Selina Sanchez, Faculty ReaderKathleen Marie Kelley, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. diffusion-of-innovation theory applied to a student startup Open Access Author: Bhandari, Mridul Title: diffusion-of-innovation theory applied to a student startup Area of Honors: Elective Area of Honors - Engineering Entrepreneurship Keywords: diffusion of innovationstartupentrepreneurshipdrunk deliveries File: Download Mridul_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Macy, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sven G Bilén, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Employing Economic Principles for the Benefit of Entrepreneurs: Assessing Added Value, Willingness to pay, and the Demand for the Keyper Open Access Author: Gershanok, Ezra Title: Employing Economic Principles for the Benefit of Entrepreneurs: Assessing Added Value, Willingness to pay, and the Demand for the Keyper Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: EzraGershanokKeyperEconomicswillingness to payconvenienceentrepreneurshipentrepreneurs File: Download Gershanok__Ezra_Final_Thesis_Updated.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jadrian Wooten, Thesis SupervisorJames R. Tybout, Thesis Honors Advisor