1. DatePsu.com Open Access Author: Clionsky, Brian Alexander Title: DatePsu.com Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: online datinginternet datingmatch.comeharmony.comfacebooksocial networkingcollege relationshipsdating patternsonline usage File: Download Final_Thesis_B_Clionsky.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Professor Miles, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Joseph Randall Woolridge, Faculty Reader
2. Social Media as a Learning Tool in Higher Education Open Access Author: Reuschel, Kazie Patricia Title: Social Media as a Learning Tool in Higher Education Area of Honors: Management Information Systems (Behrend) Keywords: social medianetworkingfacebooktwittereducationlearning tools File: Download Reuschel_Kazie_SocialMediaAsALearningToolInHigherEducation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kathleen Jo Noce, Thesis SupervisorIdo Millet, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Web 2.0: The Effects of Social Media on Accuracy and Timeliness in Coverage of the Sandusky Scandal Open Access Author: Oh, Anita Hyun Title: Web 2.0: The Effects of Social Media on Accuracy and Timeliness in Coverage of the Sandusky Scandal Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: sandusky scandaljoe paternosocial mediatwitterfacebookaccuracycredibilitynews File: Download Oh_Anita_Web2_0TheEffectsofSocialMedia.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Russell Frank, Thesis SupervisorRussell Frank, Thesis Honors AdvisorRussell Edgar Eshleman Jr., Faculty Reader
4. Food and Beverage Social Media Effectiveness in the Millennial Age Open Access Author: Kretzer, Kelsey Marie Title: Food and Beverage Social Media Effectiveness in the Millennial Age Area of Honors: Advertising/Public Relations Keywords: social mediafood and beverageengagementmillennialsfacebookinstagramtwitterfoodies File: Download Kelsey_Kretzer.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Francis Erin Dardis, Thesis SupervisorFrancis Erin Dardis, Thesis Honors AdvisorKen E Yednock, Faculty Reader
5. Saving the World, a Post at a Time – Infographics and Digital Activism Open Access Author: Ryoo, Eugene Title: Saving the World, a Post at a Time – Infographics and Digital Activism Area of Honors: Cybersecurity Analytics & Operations Keywords: social mediainstagraminfographicsdigital activismdigital dividefacebookslacktivismtwitterclicktivism File: Download Ryoo_Eugene_Saving_the_World_a_Post_at_a_Time_-_Infographics_and_Digital_Activism.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Fred Fonseca, Thesis SupervisorAnna Cinzia Squicciarini, Thesis Honors Advisor