1. The State Of Higher Education: Tuition And Faculty Salaries Open Access Author: Popovich, Marie Elizabeth Title: The State Of Higher Education: Tuition And Faculty Salaries Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: tuitionfacultyfaculty salariesfaculty compensationtuition ratestuition increasescollege costsPenn StateBig Tencorporate university File: Download Popovich_Marie_TheStateofHigherEducation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sajay Samuel, Thesis SupervisorOrie Edwin Barron, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Experiences Of Gay and Lesbian Faculty and Staff Members at A Small College Campus Open Access Author: Zakkout, Khaled Title: The Experiences Of Gay and Lesbian Faculty and Staff Members at A Small College Campus Area of Honors: Corporate Communication (Abington) Keywords: LGBTQIALGBTqueerfacultystaffqualitative datahigher educationcollegeinterviews File: Download khaledzakkout_final_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Elizabeth Montemurro, Thesis SupervisorDavid E Ruth, Thesis Honors AdvisorSurabhi Sahay, Faculty Reader