1. Sensational Lives: Byron and Robinson’s Lives Mirrored in Literature Open Access Author: Showalter, Adrienne Title: Sensational Lives: Byron and Robinson’s Lives Mirrored in Literature Area of Honors: English (University College) Keywords: sexualityfeminismpersonacelebrityRobinsonByron File: Download Showalter_Sensational_Lives_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Arnold A Markley, Thesis SupervisorDr. Arnold A Markley, Thesis SupervisorAdam J Sorkin, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Blank Feminism: Reading Bret Easton Ellis’ "American Psycho" in a Post-Feminist World Open Access Author: Zinger, Kara Dean Title: Blank Feminism: Reading Bret Easton Ellis’ "American Psycho" in a Post-Feminist World Area of Honors: English Keywords: postmodernismpost-modernismpostfeminismpost-feminismrapeviolence against womenMary HarronBret Easton EllisfeminismAmerican Psychoviolencebanned bookssatiremisogynyanti-feministantifeminism File: Download Zinger_Thesis_AP.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rosa A Eberly, Thesis SupervisorRosa A Eberly, Thesis SupervisorJanet Wynne Lyon, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Examining Shakespeare’s Heroines In A Modern Context Open Access Author: Smith, Natalie Joyce Title: Examining Shakespeare’s Heroines In A Modern Context Area of Honors: Theatre Keywords: Shakespearefeminismwomentheatre File: Download Examining_Shakespeares_Heroines_In_A_Modern_Context.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Susan B Russell, Thesis SupervisorSusan B Russell, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Annette Kay Mcgregor, Faculty Reader
4. A Phenomenological Review: Role Models & Women’s Flat Track Roller Derby Open Access Author: Geleskie, Helen Rose Title: A Phenomenological Review: Role Models & Women’s Flat Track Roller Derby Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: phenomenologyfeminismembodimentempowermentwomen's sportsroller derbyrole models File: Download Geleskie_2014_-_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lorraine Dowler, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Funny Girl: An Analysis of the Gender Shift in Contemporary Comedy Open Access Author: Liu, Shirley Title: Funny Girl: An Analysis of the Gender Shift in Contemporary Comedy Area of Honors: Marketing Keywords: marketingcomedymedia studiesgenderchangetelevisionfeminism File: Download 1-Liu_Shirley_ThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Honors AdvisorDavid Michael Winterich, Faculty Reader
6. Fallen Women Open Access Author: Jurczyk, Kimberly Ann Title: Fallen Women Area of Honors: English Keywords: Englishcreative writingwomenfeminismvictorian File: Download Kimberly_Ann_Jurczyk_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis SupervisorDr. Marcy Lynne North, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Focus on Negative Outcomes: Women's Birth Experiences in the United States Open Access Author: Pecora, Olivia Title: Focus on Negative Outcomes: Women's Birth Experiences in the United States Area of Honors: Women's Studies Keywords: feminismwomen's healthwomen's studieschildbirthmaternal mortalitymidwifery File: Download Olivia_Pecora_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jill Wood, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jennifer Ann Wagner-Lawlor, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. "Conviction and Courage": From Joan of Arc to the Contemporary Woman Soldier Open Access Author: Ridgway, Celine Anne Title: "Conviction and Courage": From Joan of Arc to the Contemporary Woman Soldier Area of Honors: English Keywords: Joan of ArcDeborah Sampsonsoliderwoman soldiercontemporary soldiercontemporary female soldierwomen's rightsfeminismwarmother soldiersexual assault in the militaryFrance's militaryU.S. military File: Download thesis_template200.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Leisha J Jones, Thesis SupervisorDr. Marcy Lynne North, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. LIVING THE FANTASY: EAST ASIAN WOMEN IN POPULAR MEDIA Open Access Author: Orankoy, Ilayda Jinjee Title: LIVING THE FANTASY: EAST ASIAN WOMEN IN POPULAR MEDIA Area of Honors: Women's Studies Keywords: asian womeneast asian womenfeminismpop culturemedia representationasian american File: Download ORANKOY_FINAL_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura Tracy Spielvogel, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jennifer Ann Wagner-Lawlor, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Politicizing the Amazons: Discerning Ancient Greek Identity and Otherness in Fifth-Century BCE Literature and Art Open Access Author: Bisbing, Hannah Title: Politicizing the Amazons: Discerning Ancient Greek Identity and Otherness in Fifth-Century BCE Literature and Art Area of Honors: Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies Keywords: AmazonsAncient GreeceGreeksPersiansPersian WarsCentaursParthenonStoa PoikileAthenian Treasury at DelphiwomenOthersHerodotusDiodorus SiculusmythheroheroesHistorypoliticscultureidentityarchitecturemetopesWonder WomanScythianspolisAmazonomachybarbarianbarbariansbarbaricAthenscitizenshipcitizenspatriarchymatriarchyfeminismfeministHeraclesTheseuswarriorsfemale warriorsbinaryautochthonycivilizedThemiscyra File: Download HannahBisbing_Thesis_FINAL_2__1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anna Irene Peterson, Thesis SupervisorMary Lou Zimmerman Munn, Thesis Honors Advisor