1. Gut Microflora Display Their Handiwork: Dietary Implications on Intestinal Bowel Disorder Open Access Author: Wilke, Michelle N Title: Gut Microflora Display Their Handiwork: Dietary Implications on Intestinal Bowel Disorder Area of Honors: Immunology and Infectious Disease Keywords: ulcerative colitisgut microflora compositionlactosefiberdextran sulfate sodium (DSS) File: Download WILKE_FINAL_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Margherita Teresa-Anna Cantorna, Thesis SupervisorJames Endres Howell, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Design, Processing, and Properties of Anisotropic Electrospun Rubber/Rubber Microcomposites Open Access Author: Hoagland, Sophia Title: Design, Processing, and Properties of Anisotropic Electrospun Rubber/Rubber Microcomposites Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: polymermaterialthermoplastic polyurethanesiliconeanisotropiccompositeelectrospinningelectrospunrubberelastomerSEMDMAPellethaneSylgardtensilefiber File: Download Hoagland_Sophia_Thesis_Anisotropic_Electrospun_Microcomposites.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Patrick Mather, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor