11. TO THE LOST, THE DAMNED, THE MAD, AND THE ONES IN LOVE Open Access Author: Li, Sijia Title: TO THE LOST, THE DAMNED, THE MAD, AND THE ONES IN LOVE Area of Honors: Film-Video Keywords: poetrydocumentaryfilmmovie File: Download Li_Scarlett_Thesis.movDownload Li_Scarlett_Sijia_thesisWriting_b.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard Andrew Sherman, Thesis SupervisorMaura Elizabeth Shea, Thesis Honors Advisor
12. Millennial Existence is a Streaming Meta Dramedy & "The Only Coffee Shop in the City" Open Access Author: Stump, Abigail E Title: Millennial Existence is a Streaming Meta Dramedy & "The Only Coffee Shop in the City" Area of Honors: English Keywords: theatreplaywritingfulllengthplaycomedymetametacomedyoriginalplaycreativewritingfictionoriginalworkperformingartsmentalhealthselfloveselfcarepsychologytelevisiontvfilmepisodicepisodicnarrativeepisodictheatremillennialexistentialism File: Download Stump_AbigailEllis_MetadramedyCoffee.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christopher Gervais Reed, Thesis SupervisorSusan B Russell, Thesis Honors Advisor
13. Developing Characters Through Behaviors: An Analysis Across Film Genres Open Access Author: Rivera, Peter Dalorenz Title: Developing Characters Through Behaviors: An Analysis Across Film Genres Area of Honors: Film-Video Keywords: filmCharacter developmentcharacterbehaviortraitscommoncharacter evolution File: Download RevisedRiveraFinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kevin J Hagopian, Thesis SupervisorKevin J Hagopian, Thesis Honors AdvisorMaura Elizabeth Shea, Faculty Reader
14. Writing Reality Open Access Author: Hyneman, Alexander J Title: Writing Reality Area of Honors: Film-Video Keywords: televisionrealityrTVreality televisionfilmfilm/videofictionentertainmententertainment industryKardashians File: Download Hyneman_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anita Marie Gabrosek, Thesis SupervisorRodney Brent Bingaman, Thesis Honors Advisor
15. Average Joe Open Access Author: Martin, Amanda Title: Average Joe Area of Honors: Professional Writing (Berks/Lehigh) Keywords: screenplayfilmsocial media commentarydark comedyaverage joefeature length File: Download Martin_Amanda_AverageJoe.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sandy Feinstein, Thesis SupervisorJeanne Marie Rose, Thesis Honors Advisor
16. Terminal Four Open Access Author: Abraham, Joseph Title: Terminal Four Area of Honors: Film-Video Keywords: filmvideoscriptscreenplayactionadventuredramafeature-length File: Download Abraham_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rodney Brent Bingaman, Thesis SupervisorMaura Elizabeth Shea, Thesis Honors Advisor
17. The Purity Program: A Feature-Length Screenplay Open Access Author: Gergel, Katie Title: The Purity Program: A Feature-Length Screenplay Area of Honors: Film-Video Keywords: screenplayfilm-videofilmfeature length screenplayscriptnarrativefictionlove storystoryfictional storyfictional screenplaymoviemovie scriptfilm scriptfeature File: Download THESIS_-_THE_PURITY_PROGRAM_KATIE_GERGEL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rodney Brent Bingaman, Thesis SupervisorRodney Brent Bingaman, Thesis Honors AdvisorMaura Elizabeth Shea, Faculty Reader
18. Dirt Cheap Open Access Author: Najjar, Isabel Title: Dirt Cheap Area of Honors: Film-Video Keywords: filmexperimentalanimationsustainabilitylocal agriculture File: Download DIRT_CHEAP_OFFICIAL.mp4Download NAJJAR_THESIS_RESUB.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rod Bingaman, Thesis SupervisorRod Bingaman, Thesis Honors AdvisorMaura Shea, Faculty Reader
19. Drivers Ed: A Feature Screenplay Open Access Author: Wade, Chase Title: Drivers Ed: A Feature Screenplay Area of Honors: Film-Video Keywords: screenwritingscreenplayscriptfilmproductionvideodrivers edwritingmovie File: Download ChaseWadeThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rod Bingaman, Thesis SupervisorRod Bingaman, Thesis Honors AdvisorMaura Shea, Faculty Reader
20. Crossing Screens: The Visual Language of Video Games and Film Open Access Author: Weaverling, Marie Title: Crossing Screens: The Visual Language of Video Games and Film Area of Honors: Film Production Keywords: filmvideo gamesvisual languagecinematic intersectionalitycinema File: Download Thesis.mp4Download thesis_marie_weaverling.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Thomas Martin Camden, III, Thesis SupervisorMaura Shea, Thesis Honors Advisor