1. The Persistence of Vision: Ingrained and Obstinate Images from Danny Boyle Open Access Author: Crouthamel, Tracy Ann Title: The Persistence of Vision: Ingrained and Obstinate Images from Danny Boyle Area of Honors: Media Studies Keywords: Danny BoyleFilmfilmsmoviemoviesfilm analysismovie analysiscinemacinephiliaauteur theoryneoformalism File: Download Crouthamel_Tracy_PersistenceOfVisonIngrainedAndObstinateImagesFromDannyBoyle.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kevin J Hagopian, Thesis SupervisorMichelle Lyn Rodino Colocino, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. “Virulent Madness”: Network, Videodrome, and the Tropes of Twentieth Century Television Anxiety Open Access Author: Wendelken, Ava Title: “Virulent Madness”: Network, Videodrome, and the Tropes of Twentieth Century Television Anxiety Area of Honors: English Keywords: televisionmedia theoryfilmsmoviesvideodromedavid cronenbergnetworksidney lumetpaddy chavefskymedia panichorrorsatire File: Download final_thesis_wendelken__paginated_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jeffrey Nealon, Thesis SupervisorCarla J. Mulford, Thesis Honors Advisor