1. Moral Hazard in the Financial Crisis of 2008 Open Access Author: Brozick, John Anthony Title: Moral Hazard in the Financial Crisis of 2008 Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: moral hazardfinancial crisislehman brothersbear stearnsaigtarptroubled assets relief programpaulsonhank paulsonhenry paulsonbernankeben bernanketreasuryfederal reservegovernment intervention File: Download Moral_Hazard_in_the_Financial_Crisis_of_2008_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Joseph Randall Woolridge, Thesis SupervisorDr. Joseph Randall Woolridge, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. AN ANALYSIS OF SHORT SELLING’S ROLE IN THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS AND THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SHORT SELLING RESTRICTIONS Open Access Author: Scialabba, Richard Mauro Title: AN ANALYSIS OF SHORT SELLING’S ROLE IN THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS AND THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SHORT SELLING RESTRICTIONS Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: short sellingshort sellign restrictionsfinancial crisisevent studyabnormal returnschange in betas File: Download fin_494h_-_Thesis_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Timothy T Simin, Thesis SupervisorTimothy T Simin, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. An Unlikely Decision: Factors Influencing Internal Devaluation in Response to the 2008-2010 Financial Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe Open Access Author: Snyder, Ilsa Katrina Title: An Unlikely Decision: Factors Influencing Internal Devaluation in Response to the 2008-2010 Financial Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: political scienceeconomicsinternal devaluationexternal devaluationEastern EuropeLatviathe Balticsfinancial crisis File: Download Snyder_Ilsa_AnUnlikelyDecision.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Donna L Bahry, Thesis SupervisorJames A Piazza, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Local Government Financing Vehicles (LGFVs) – A Lens of the Potential Financial Instability in China Open Access Author: Zeng, Yiyang Title: Local Government Financing Vehicles (LGFVs) – A Lens of the Potential Financial Instability in China Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: creditlocal governmentLGFVdebtwealth management productsbondfinancial crisis File: Download Zeng_Yiyang_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ruilin Zhou, Thesis SupervisorDr. Russell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor