1. Pulsejet Flow Dynamics Utilizing a 1-d Numerical Model Open Access Author: Blake, Garrett Scott Title: Pulsejet Flow Dynamics Utilizing a 1-d Numerical Model Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: pulsejetpulse jetflowflow dynamicsdynamicsjet File: Download Blake_Garrett_PulsejetFlowDynamicsNumericalModel.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael Matthew Micci, Thesis SupervisorDr. Mark David Maughmer, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. George A Lesieutre, Faculty Reader
2. Injector Redesign for a Hydrogen Peroxide Monopropellant Thruster Open Access Author: Wehner, Matthew Donald Title: Injector Redesign for a Hydrogen Peroxide Monopropellant Thruster Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: propulsionrocketspaceaerospaceperoxideinjectorflow File: Download Wehner_SHCThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rui Ni, Thesis SupervisorRobert Graham Melton, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. IMPACTS OF USER SENTIMENT ON INFORMATION RECALL, INTRINSIC MOTIVATION, AND ENGAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF INTELLIGENT TUTORING SYSTEMS Open Access Author: Metaxas, Luke Richard Title: IMPACTS OF USER SENTIMENT ON INFORMATION RECALL, INTRINSIC MOTIVATION, AND ENGAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF INTELLIGENT TUTORING SYSTEMS Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: sentimentmotivationengagementintelligent tutoring systemscomputer-based instructionaffectflowself-determination theory File: Download Metaxas_Luke_ImpactsofUserSentients.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Frank Edward Ritter, Thesis SupervisorDr. Edward J Glantz, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Design of in vitro flow loop aimed at improving hemodynamic conditions around the total cavopulmonary connection in patients with failing Fontan. Open Access Author: Nichols, Claire Title: Design of in vitro flow loop aimed at improving hemodynamic conditions around the total cavopulmonary connection in patients with failing Fontan. Area of Honors: Biomedical Engineering Keywords: FontanTotal Cavopulmonary ConnectionHemodynamicsflowpressurefailing fontan File: Download Claire_Nichols_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Keefe B Manning, Thesis SupervisorMeghan Vidt, Thesis Honors AdvisorJustin Lee Brown, Faculty Reader